Author Archives: timbo
Electroneum – The Android App
Firstly grab the app from Google Play Store, then you’ll have to sign up for an account and log in. Keep an eye out on your Virtual Mining, this is a first for any CryptoCurrency. Feel free to use my referral code (2E59F3) you win and I win, explained below. We’ll go through the app …
3D Printer Progress
Started as a hobby while living in India this bad boy has been sitting in storage for over a year. Time to dust of the cobwebs and get it finished. From memory the nozzle needs unblocking and calibrating from scratch. Wiring needs a tidy up and undoubtedly will need to reinstall all of the software.
HTC 10 Small Good Things – Keyboard.
Being a big guy with big fingers any thing that makes buttons easier to access is a great thing. The new numbers keyboard layout is brilliant. I’ve spent years switching between the HTC and Google keyboards and I think this is by far my favourite new feature.
The start of my own data centre!
OneDrive with Adobe Lightroom
Introduction This post will delve into some of my troubles using OneDrive with Adobe Lightroom while being mobile. This setup has presented a few hurdles, for background on my current setup please see my last post. The problem revolves around bandwidth required to keep OneDrive’s local copy synced with the cloud copy then the flow on …
The Trails and Tribulations of Using OneDrive with a Large Mobile Data Set.
I have found that there are many blogs and YouTube videos comparing the various cloud storage options. The majority of these do very well at addressing the average users concerns though do not deal with the powers users problems or technical issues. I have committed financially, data transfer and time to getting OneDrive to work …
Continue reading “The Trails and Tribulations of Using OneDrive with a Large Mobile Data Set.”